CITS2003 Lectures
Michael Wise Quotes
W01L01 - Intro
W01L02 - Unix
W02L01 - Docker
W03L01 - Files
W03L02 - Processes
W04L01 - Variables
W04L02 - Prosh
W05L01 - Conditionals
W05L05 - Globbing, Case
W06L01 - Break While Shift
W06L02 - Find
W07L02 - Regular Expressions
W08L01 - Sed
W08L02 - Debugging
W09L01 - Git
W09L02 - Awk
W10L01 - Awk
W10L02 - Morawk
W11L01 - Bits and Bobs and Shell Functions
W11L02 - Makefiles
W12L01 - Markdown
W12L02 - Exam Prep
W04L02 - Prosh
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