Michael Wise Quotes

Things said by Michael Wise in CITS2003.

W01L02 - Unix

A tidy desk is a sign of a sick mind

Anyone who has children knows the value of bribery and corruption

In this course you'll be writing shells scripts, I don't think you'll have much use for ChatGPT

W02L01 - Docker

Lecturers are human too

The docker app has to be running at all times you want to run docker

W04L01 - Variables

I went to see Everything Everwhere All At Once. Did anyone understand what was going on?

W08L01 - Sed

The mid-semester quiz didn't get started. No-one. Knows. Why

W08L02 - Debugging

I used to teach the set command but I don't anymore since its not of any great value shows slide explaining set command

The best debugging technique is print statement

Believe what you see, not what you believe

W11L02 - Makefiles

Markdown is an emerging standard (2023)

W12L01 - Markdown

What's happening with reddit is that using markdown so when stuff that you - that is submitted is turned into reddits, the reddits, the reddits are then turned into markdown which are then used to generate HTML.

W12L02 - Exam Prep

I'm a simple man, I'm an engineer