
Minecraftle is a game fusing the gameplay of Wordle with crafting recipes from Minecraft. It started as a university project I worked on in 2022 in a small team for CITS3403 (one of the better units in UWA Computer Science).

It was initially built with Vanilla JavaScript+Flask with a SQLite database, with the live version deployed with nginx on DigitalOcean. v2 was fully rebuilt in Next.js and hosted on Vercel, with a Postgres instance hosted on DigitalOcean.

We received the top mark for the project and I continued development after we submitted it. The source code is publicly available on the repo. Since initial submission I've made a number of changes, some of which are enumerated Minecraftle v1.1.

The game has daily puzzles and global leaderboards, with over 1M total players count at the time of writing.